
Being A Good Hockey Parent Takes Some Work

For a great introduction to what hockey is really about, read Hockey Canada 101

And if you have a few minutes, check out these seven tips. They'll help keep you sane and help ensure the game is more fun and rewarding for everyone involved.

Respect in Sport - Parent Progam RIS

The Respect in Sport Parent Program is an effective and informative online training program for parents of active children. This one hour online certification program reinforces a parents role in a child or youth's activities, encouraging positive sport behaviours and providing insight into the various roles other individuals (such as coaches and officials) play.

7 Tips To Keep Hockey In Perspective

1. Hockey is about fun

On the ice, in the dressing room and on the drive home from the rink, hockey should always be fun. Even in the midst of a gut-busting skating drill at 6 a.m., you’ll still see kids with big smiles. Do everything you can to ensure that continues.

2. Development is more important than winning

Equal playing time in younger age groups is a priority for a reason. Ditto for the Gretzky Rule, in which no player is allowed to score more than three goals in the game. It’s about everyone getting better, and sometimes that means losing when going with your best players might have given you a win. It all pays off in the long term.

3. It’s a marathon, not a sprint ('A' hockey vs. house league hockey)

A kid’s future success in hockey and, more importantly, in life, is not decided by whether he or she makes the Atom or Peewee ‘A’ team. Kids develop at different stages, and some kids who choose to not go all-in for hockey early on emerge as stars down the road. And some lifetime House Leaguers are having the time of their lives playing in an over-30 beer league. Hockey has to be compatible with school, music, other sports, or missing a game to go to Grandma’s birthday.

4. Used gear is awesome

Kids grow fast, which means you need larger equipment - especially skates - far more frequently than you may ever have imagined. That just means there’s a whole lot of great used gear out there, so lean on, friends with older kids or the soon-to-be-launched VMHA classified section to keep those costs down. No 10-year-old needs a $200 stick, either. Entry-level sticks work just fine - it’s far more important that they’re cut to the right length.

5. Skating is (almost) everything

The best preparation for the first year of hockey is skating lessons of some kind, including the very affordable and fun Whistler Skating Club has to offer. Kids who skate and who continue to pay attention to skating instruction, are at a distinct advantage. The game’s just a lot easier when you’re as fast, or as agile, as your rivals.

6. Parents need to stay positive

Kids make mistakes, referees make mistakes, and not all coaches are budding Mike Babcocks.  But they all deserve your support, through thick and thin. If you’re about to lose your mind in the stands, go for a walk. We’ll all be better off, and that includes your kid.

Educate Yourself About Concussions

Children are more sensitive to the effects of a concussion and may need to have a longer period of rest prior to returning to activity and the sport. Don't gamble on your kid's ongoing health by ignoring the systems of a concussion.

The WMHA makes concussion awareness a priority, and all certified safety personnel should be well versed in identifying concussion symptoms.

Educate yourself by visiting Hockey Canada's concussions information page. And consider adding the Hockey Canada Concussions App to your phone

Rink Location

Meadow Park sport Centre

8625 BC-99

Whistler BC

The Rink is located 4 kilometres north of Whistler Village


Contact Info

Whistler Minor Hockey Association
P.O. Box 1369
Whistler, BC, Canada
V0N 1B0